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SWAN (2003)

discovering the mythical in the everyday 


"Swan, a new creation from the collaborative Yara Arts Group (La MaMa E.T.C., June), theatricalized a work by contemporary Ukrainian poet and dissident Oleh Lysheha. Andrew Colteaux's vibrant performance as the poem's voice integrated speaking and movement, charting a landscape of loneliness, yearning, and ultimate surrender between Lysheha's opening and closing lines, "God, I'm slipping" and "God, I'm falling." Although mixing text, music, song, dance, and video, this modest production, clocking in under one hour, did not compete with or overwhelm its source. Cooler in look and tone than some of Yara's previous works of cultural celebration and folklore- Circle and Howling, for instance- Swan does not aim to bowl you over. Small seductions-Soomi Kim and Colteaux's efficient yet expressive acting and imaginative movement, a simple set by Watoku Ueno, and spare, warm notes bowed and plucked from composer Paul Brantley's cello, the sole instrument played live-allowed true feeling to permeate the action."

Eva Yaa Asantewaa Village Voice, August 6, 2003


"Director Virlana Tkacz, known for her seminal work in translations and interpretation of poetry written in Ukrainian and Buryat, synthesizes multiple cultures into singular streams of motion and emotion. Actor Andrew Colteaux superbly engages the viewer in an energetically physical interpretation of Ukrainian poet Oleh Lysheha's Swan. "

Hanya Krill, June 15, 2003

Other Yara shows using text by Oleh Lysheha:

Dream Bridge 2012

Raven 2011

Flight of the White Bird 1999

Virtual Souls 1997

And Virtual events on Yara's Lysheha Shows


created by Yara Arts Group
based on the poetry of Oleh Lysheha 
directed by Virlana Tkacz
designed by Watoku Ueno
music by Paul Brantley 
with vocals by Meredith Wright
video by Andrea Odezynska
translated by Virlana Tkacz & Wanda Phipps

with Andrew Colteaux, Soomi Kim

Paul Brantley on cello

and Ukrainian voice by Olga Shuhan

June 12 - 29 2003 
La MaMa ETC 74A East 4th St New York 

Friday July 11, 2003  
Lowell Hall, Harvard University          READ poem in English


"Yara Arts Group, directed by Virlana Tkacz who always comes up with original projects, is now showing Swan ,a theatre piece based on Oleh Lysheha's poem, which V. Tkacz translated with Wanda Phipps. Extraordinary performances by Andrew Colteaux and Soomi Kim and the musical accompaniment by cellist Paul Brantley captivate the audience. Once again, our belief in V. Tkacz's exceptional talent is confirmed and this time she displays it in her direction, translation and approach to the topic."

Reviewed by Olha Kuzmovych Ukrainian BRAMA page, June 19, 2003

June 12 to 29 the Yara Arts Group led by artistic director Virlana Tkacz very successfully premiered a new musical theatre piece, Swan, at the La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York. The piece was created on the basis of a poem by Oleh Lysheha, a Ukrainian poet who lives and works in Tysemytsia, in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, but who is better known in America and Canada. Harvard University Press, which published Lysheha's book of English translations of his poetry that won the PEN Translation Prize, wrote: "Oleh Lysheha is considered the 'poet's poet'' of contemporary Ukraine." The American critic and author James Carroll has written that Lysheha's poetry "offers American readers not just a new voice, but even in translation, a new language, a new way of seeing."

So what prompted Yara Arts Group, which is always so selective about its repertoire to turn to this author from a provincial town, who is totally indifferent to worldly matters (much less globalism), and to present his work to the American audience? "We take pride in the fact that over many years we have managed to present to our audience the best in art, music and literature," said Virlana Tkacz in her interview with this paper. I think that Oleh Lysheha's work is unique, unlike anything else written in Ukrainian. This poetry is not built on the melody of language, but on the power of its images, giving it an eastern feel and that is influenced by ancient Chinese poetry. Oleh Lysheha, himself, is an unusual, almost legendary person. He studied American Literature in Lviv University, from which he was expelled in 1972 for publishing translations in the dissident journal, "Chest." He was taken into the Army and served in Siberia, where he became interested in Eastern philosophy and art."

The New York production of Swan by the Tysmenytsia poet is performed in a translation by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps by actors Andrew Colteaux and Soomi Kim who are accompanied by cellist Paul Brantley. The success of this show, as that of every other theatre piece by Yara Arts Group - is undeniable.

Kateryna Kindras Meest Newspaper (Linden, NJ and Toronto) July 3, 2003


The success of this show is Virlana Tkacz's achievement. She understood the originality and depth of Oleh Lysheha's poetry and now, together with her actors, designers and musicians, created a very successful theatre piece. Thanks to the wonderful performance of the leading role by actor Andrew Colteaux, we as an audience can experience this poem and be amazed and awed by its creative power. Composer and cellist Paul Brantley contributed a great deal to the success of the piece with his melodic accompaniment to the action, as did the vocalist Meredith Wright. Everything in this unusual poem by a Ukrainian poet who learned English and gathered admirers in the US, was brought forth with great sensitivity and understanding. Here director Virlana Tkacz undoubtedly played a leading role. Once again she was able to deliver a Ukrainian artistic work in her original style, which allows an international audience to understand the work and gain a better understanding of the Ukrainian worldview. 

 Olha Kuzmovych Svoboda Newspaper (Jersey City, NJ) July 11, 2003

La MaMa Theatre and Virlana Tkacz have once again astounded their American audiences. Swan based on a poem by Oleh Lysheha of the same title, was certainly an Event at Harvard, where it was much bigger and weightier, than just another cultural event at the Summer School… Judging from the reaction of the audience, we can confidently state that Oleh Lysheha’s poetry easily overcame national and cultural boundaries or more precisely, did not need to overcome them because they simple did not exist… The production of Swan is a virtuoso translation of Lysheha’s text – it is not simply a literary translation into English, but rather a translation of poetry into the languages of music, light, image, movement of the human body, human voice (that can sound sharp, hoarse, strained, tired, lonely), and of course, stage space. The result is polyphonic; various voices are united so that each has its place and is heard… Cellist (Paul Brantley), listens to the modulation of a soprano as pure as silver (Meredith Wright), he listens to the human voice (of Andrew Colteaux). The poetry interweaves with music, Ukrainian becomes an echo of the English, dance becomes an extension of the voice, and bodies continue to speak as the voice grows silent. What the voice cannot say, the man and woman say with their dance. This is what art should be like – in the glare of the stage lights you suddenly see the essence. But you can only catch a glimpse , just as you can only glimpse the swan in this show. 

Dzvinka Matiash Harvard Summer School Yearbook, 2003

& Komentar (Kyiv) November 2003

Virtual Event in 2020 about Yara's production of the "Swan" video

RAVEN (2011)

Exploring the unknowable boundaries 



Raven incites this ensemble to glorious flight….  Complimenting the vivid imagery of Lysheha’s words and the translation by creator / director Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps is the set, bare with the exception of a screen on wheels designed by Watoku Ueno/Aki-ology. Corrugated plastic on one side and sleek, shiny sheets of plastic on the other, it acts as a rich textural landing for the vibrant video projections of designer Mikhail Shraga and alternately splits the space, rotates to generate a spiraling sense of confusion. The path flown by Raven is, by turns, intoxicating in both its simplicity and complexity. I encourage you to follow where it leads.

Amy Lee Pearsall, April 9, 2011


Julian Kytasty played a melodic solo on the bundura that was like an incantation to call the raven.           Mr. Colteaux plays the man who meets the raven and Sean Eden plays Ivan, a friend.  Maren Bush plays a woman painting a wall that may never be finished.  There are two extreme moments of the tension in the piece: the appearance of the raven and the death of the Ivan’s wife…. There is a translucent wall in the middle of the stage.  Ivan and his wife find themselves caught on two sides of the wall unable to reach one another as the wall spins.   

            Waldemart Klyuzko and Mikhail Shraga’s projections, which included floral and forest imagery, helped to create a natural atmosphere. The projections were especially effective when projected on the raven’s white dress. The movement created by Shigeko Suga worked especially well to create the character of the raven played by Kat Yew as the raven moved together with Colteaux to portray a bind between bird and man. In Yara’s “Raven,” the boundaries between nature and humans were explored through spoken word, music, and movement.

Olena Jennings, The Ukrainian Weekly, April 24, 2011

Video of apple scene from "Raven" in Lviv with Andrew Colteaux and Larysa Rusnak 

Other Yara shows using text by Oleh Lysheha:

Dream Bridge 2012

​Swan 2003

Flight of the White Bird 1999

Virtual Souls 1997


Performance inspired by the poetry of Oleh Lysheha

created by Virlana Tkacz

with Yara Arts Group and Ukrainian artists

with: Andrew Colteaux, Maren Bush, Sean Eden

and Kat Yew music Alla Zagaykevych,

songs: Aurelia Shrenker & Eva Salina Primack (Ash)

sound Tim Schellenbaum, movement: Shigeko Suga,

projections: Waldemart Klyuzko & Mikhail Shraga

April 8-24, 2011 premiere La MaMa ETC, New York


March 10-14, 2011 workshop: Pasika Theatre Center, Kyiv

with Andrew Colteaux, Larysa Rusnak, Victoria Kudriavtsev 

and Mykola Shkaraban | photos

June 22-23, 2011 Kurbas Theatre in Lviv | photos


Nominated for Innovative Projection Design

for New York Innovative Theatre Award


photographs by Lee Wexler


Read more about Oleh Lysheha and see the translation of his poem "Raven"



At certain moments we hear a voice repeat certain phrases in Ukrainian; this is wonderfully performed by Olga Shuhan, a veteran of Yara shows. There are also traditional and sacred songs performed by Ash/AE. There are brilliant projections by Waldemart Klyuzko and Mykhail Shraga that bring a lot of color to the performance: a branch with peaches, the light lavender of the iris, the lush tree branches in the forest, the tall yellow trunks of the pines and the beautiful stagnant lake… The projections of Ivan’s wife on video over the image of the forest and on Kat Yew’s dress are great. This is a show you can and want to watch many times. Each time you discover something new, as I can testify.

Lydia Korsun Chas I Podii, April 27, 2011


The simplicity of the presentation is what caused my wonderment.…  This goes back to an even deeper, genetic imprint that we all possess - of sitting in the dark, maybe around a campfire, listening to a story being told, mesmerized by the flame and the tone of the teller.  Pure, simple – and very powerful!  It was this change, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from the real to the altered state, almost instantaneously, and then just as suddenly back to the ordinary, which made me wonder what I had just experienced.

             “Raven” is artistic director Virlana Tkacz’s twenty-first production with the Yara Arts Group.  Each is a veritable witness of the directorial talents of Virlana Tkacz, of her style and her ability to take the Yara Arts Group and create a magical event that captures you and does not let you go. 

Ihor Slabicky, America, May 14, 2011


The performance piece relies heavily on imagery to tell the story.  The projections by Waldemart Klyuzko and Mikhail Shraga create a natural atmosphere with floral and forest photography.  In the center of the stage there is a translucent wall where the shadow of the raven first appears to actors Andrew Colteaux and Sean Eden, a man searching for meaning in nature and his friend Ivan... The wall is later illuminated with many different projections that alienate the actors in their search for the raven and for one another.  The raven, played by Kat Yew, wears a white dress that also acts as a surface for the projections and makes the raven seem unattainable.  The face of a woman played by Maren Bush also appears as a projection throughout the space. Choreography by Shigeko Suga turns the actors’ bodies into part of nature.  There is an especially striking scene when the raven moves fluidly with Colteaux.

Olena Jennings, Nth Word, April 14, 2011


Poet Oleh Lysheha and director Virlana Tkacz are a duo of like-minded artists. Both are uniquely talented, with original world views and styles, both are representative of a modern world culture that extends beyond national borders. At the same time, both introduce Ukrainian culture to the world.

Lidia Korsun, Svoboda, May 6, 2011



Perhaps the most amazing thing about Raven is the magical and masterful way the poetry has been transformed into stage reality. If I had to provide examples of the most organic translations from one form of art into another, Virlana Tkacz’s theatrical “re-readings” of modern poetry would certainly be on that list.

            Virlana Tkacz is interested in the deepest and most universal elements of folklore -- what unites traditions that at first glance seem totally unrelated. Often, this involves attempts by various cultures in their own unique ways (with their own particular sounds, rhythms and melodies of language) to approach the essential existential questions -- the meaning of life, the secrets of love, hate, death and birth. These questions resound in each culture, although of course, no culture has the ultimate answer. I would venture to suggest that what draws Virlana Tkacz to Lysheha is his orchestration of the “archaic.” This production of Raven must be seen since it is impossible to describe in words this theatre piece where the play of light, shadows, music and movement are so essential.

Roksoliana Sviato, Kinoteatr (Kyiv) No 3, 2011


A philosophical work, full of images, Raven intertwines music (electronic music and music on traditional instruments), folklore (prayers, American chants, Ukrainian folk songs and children’s rhymes), movement, and incredibly beautiful projected images that include live video. By creating across the borders of languages and cultures, between the borders of the contemporary and the archaic, Virlana ultimately presents a diverse range of images. Raven speaks to our desire to explore the unknown. Sharply delineated details from everyday life transform to reveal the true nature of reality. Birds, trees and fruit bear messages for the careful observer. The forest protects the secrets of the invisible path. Oleh Lysheha speaks in very simple, but deep images.

Lviv doesn’t often see the type of theatrical experiment shown by Virlana Tkacz and her Yara Arts Group. They are definitely worth seeing – don’t miss them the next time this theatre comes to town.

Natalia Dudko, Ratusha (Lviv) June

Dream Bridge


journey into the land of dreams


Performance inspired by the poetry of Oleh Lysheha

created by Virlana Tkacz

with Yara Arts Group, Ukrainian and Kyrgyz artists

translations by Virlana Tkacz & Wanda Phipps

La MaMa E.T.C. New York, May, 2012 photos from La MaMa 

Yara artists Andrew Colteaux, Brian Dolphin, Christopher Ignacio, and Kat Yew, Kyrgyz actors Kenzhegul Satybaldieva and Ainura Kachkynbek kyzy

Nurbek Serkebaev: traditional Kyrgyz instruments,electronic music: Alla Zahaykevych

design by Watoku Ueno, projections by Mikhail Shraga & Waldemart Klyuzko

Kurbas Theatre Center in Kyiv March-, 2012 photos more photos 

with: Yara Artists; Andrew Colteaux, Brian Dolphin, Christopher Ignacio, Ukrainian actors: Mykola Shkaraban, Vladyslava Havryliuk, Kyrgyz actors: Kenzhegul Satybaldieva and Ainura Kachkynbek kyzy

Nurbek Serkebaev:traditional Kyrgyz instruments. Lights: Yevhen Kopyov
projections by Mikhail Shraga and Waldemart Klyuzko, asst director: Nadia Sokolenko 

Bishkek July, 2011 photos

"Dream Bridge" in Bishkek featured Andrew Colteaux, Kenzhegul Satybaldieva Ilgis Junusov, Umarbek Kadyrov, Eldiiar Dzharashev, Baktygul Akhmatalieva, Ernes Boronbaev and Nurzat Salamatova.  Nurbek Serkebaev: traditional Kyrgyz instruments.

Lights: Begaim Turumbekova, Costumes: Ainura Asanbekova.

Virlana on Oleh Lysheha and Dream Bridge

Photos on this page by Allanah Farrell, Margaret Morton & Lee Wexler

PRESS in New York

The poet considers contact as an important nexus of the body and the spirit, when thought and touch come together and a spark ignites between the two. His ability to capture the primordial and the unique aspects of the seemingly trivial is exceptional; in this his interests again coincide with those of Virlana Tkacz.  The production is very visual and highly effective with fine performances by Andrew Colteaux, Brian Dolphin, Christopher Ignacio, Olha Shuhan, Ainura Kachkynbek kyzy, Kenzhegul Satybaldieva, and Kat Yew. Kateryna Kindras, Nova Hazeta (New York) May 3, 2012


The plot is quite simple and straightforward -- a person fall asleep and dreams. What is told and how it is presented is where the beauty lies in this work. The opening set itself consisted of a white stage floor. To the side was a bed cum bench cum bridge, on which lies the restless Dreamer. Made from old timbers, the curves and arches of this one very solid prop made it seem to always be in motion. When the Dreamer finally did fall asleep, translucent white curtains cascaded down, outlining the stage area on three sides from ceiling to the floor and transforming it into the dream space. These curtains became an integral part of the piece, providing screens for the projections, as well as the surfaces on which the stage lighting was used to great effect.

            The dreams themselves consisted of short vignettes – fishing in the river, washing the dishes at home, digging potatoes, visiting his grandmother, performing a fragment of Shakespeare, jumping in the river, and others.

            The choreography for this work was utterly amazing. This work has to be one of the most physically demanding pieces that Ms. Tkacz has ever produced. The translucent white screens surrounding the stage on three sides permit the use of video and image projections by Mr. Shraga, which added an extra dimension to the dreams, making them seem both real and dreamlike at the same time. How does a producer present a dream on stage? Ms. Tkacz chose to present the dreams as crystalline reality, the way dreams really do occur in our sleep, leaping from scene to scene, each separate and complete. This was the key to interpreting the dreams described in Lysheha’s poems. In the final scenes, when the Dreamer achieved a fitful sleep and the translucent curtains fell to the floor, one was left with the wonderful feeling of having had pleasant dreams, and unlike one’s own dreams, remembering them.

Ihor Slabicky, The Ukrainian Weekly, July 29, 2012


This is a work, the likes of which I have never seen. From time to time, like an echo from beyond the mountains, one heard the voice of Olga Shuhan telling tales and singing songs. The costumes created by Ainura Asanbekova added enchantment to the characters helping to highlight their movement and their concept. Waldemart Klyuzko and Mikhal Shraga created the fantastic photo and video design of the projections delicate as moonlight which envelops memories and dreams, as well as actual events, in its watery depths. You step away from comparing the logic of the text as you read it printed in the program (thoughtfully provided by the producers) and unexpectedly step onto the path with the main character.

            The lights fade; our hero falls asleep and dreams. You follow him into the state which we seek at night exhausted by daily troubles. A soft light illuminates the most mysterious parts of the soul. A light breeze stirs forgotten gaps in our memory, unfinished thoughts, uncompleted experiences.

            Mother why don’t fish speak? Fish speak… do you know where songs come from? Fish? Fish sing? Fish sing…. A warm light illuminates something beautiful and delicate…. Fleeting images kaleidoscopically replace one another… bringing to the surface more outlines, more events… Sleep, my son… In the seas and the great rivers…

            The show ends. The audience members exit with lit faces, hushed. The production has stirred something private in each of them… I ask if she plans to do poetry once again. Virlana answers with a smile, “I think I have found my poet.”

by Nadia Burmaka MEEST (US and Canada) May 24-30, 2012


PRESS in Kyiv

In Kyiv there was a large international conference “Les Kurbas in the World Theatre Context.” This event was organized by the Les Kurbas National Theatre Center to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the birth of this great Ukrainian theatre director…. The American theatre director and researcher Virlana Tkacz, who often comes to Ukraine and creates her theatre projects here, includes in her work the theories of Les Kurbas. Her production of "Dream Bridge," which was shown at the conference, is woven out of the poetry of Oleh Lysheha and is a journey into the world of dreams and fantasies.

Iryna Chuzhynova, Den (Kyiv’s major newspaper) April 12, 2012

Other Yara shows with Kyrgyz artists:

Scythian Stones

Er Toshtuk


Other Yara shows using text by Oleh Lysheha:

Raven 2011

​Swan 2003

​Flight of the White Bird 1999

Virtual Souls 1997


Yara Arts Group

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New York, NY 10003 USA

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