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Julian Kytasty, master bandura player, born in the US

Julian Kytasty - Kytasty Family                program | video link

Julian Kytasty - Bandura in the Diasporas program | video link

Julian Kytasty - Reexamining the Tradition program | video link

Julian Kytasty - Yara Arts Group              program | video link

Ukrainian Weekly on Kytasty series review

Andrea Odezynska filmmaker today      program | video link
Tania Vovk bandura in the1970s & 80s program | video link

Pawlo Humeniuk, folk fiddler 1920s      program | video link

Vasile Avramenko, folk dancer 1930s    program | video link

Zinoviy Shtokalko, bandurist 1950s       program | video link

Zinoviy Shtokalko, Ukrainian epic songs program | video link

Zinoviy Shtokalko, epic modernist          program | video link

Zinoviy Shtokalko, singer of tales           program | video link

Zinoviy Shtokalko, instrumental music      program | video link

Oleh Lysheha, poet 1990s                   program | video link

Hutsul Keptar Jackets ,                       program | video link 
Maria Zelenchuk Dosiak of Kryvorivnia shows us her process of sewing Keptar 

Hutsul Cheese Horses,                       program | video link 

Maria Zelenchuk of Kryvorivnia shows us her process of making horses from cheese.


Ukrainian Duma                                program | video link

Kyrgyz Epic Songs                            program | video link

Finnish Kalevala                                program | video link

African American Songs                     program | video link

Buryat Epic Songs                             program | video link


Poetry, 2021                                    program | video link

Prose, 2021                                     program | video link

Jazz, 2021                                      program | video link

Poetry, 2020                                    program | video link

Jazz, 2020                                      program | video link


Yara Arts Group and the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center in Jenkintown present its second season of virtual events on Ukrainian culture in America.


Tania Vovk, who was born in Minnesota and was raised in the local Ukrainian Community. She was recognized as an extraordinary talent and performed throughout US and Canada in the 1970s and 80s. Tania played bandura on PBS and worked with Peter Ostroushko on “Prairie Home Companion,” NPR’s popular retro radio show on Sundays. She also was part of the cultural immersion movement in Canada in the 1970s. Tania tells her story and shares her music with director Virlana Tkacz. Master bandura player Julian Kytasty and Alina Kuzma join the discussion.


Special sponsors for this virtual series are: the Ukrainian Community Foundation and Philadelphia’s Selfreliance Ukrainian FCU, as well as public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts. Yara has presented events at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center since 2014.

Pawlo Humeniuk who was born in 1883 in the town of Pidvolochysk and emigrated in 1908. Humeniuk worked in New York as a violin maker and played fiddle at weddings and similar occasions for the Ukrainian diaspora. In 1925, he signed with OKey Records and started recording folk-dance tunes. His “Ukrainske Wesilia” (Ukrainian Wedding) is said to have sold over 100,000 copies. “Folk Fiddler: Pawlo Humeniuk,” includes samples of Humeniuk’s recordings, a discussion of his work with folklorist Iryna Voloshyna and an appearance by the US Orchestra from Kyiv, inspired by the Humeniuk. Watch video

Vasile Avramenko was an immigrant from Stebliv who brought Ukrainian dance to New York in 1929. Virlana Tkacz tells his story, while archivist Mike Andrec shares recording of music used in his dance classes and film historian Yuri Shevchuk discusses Avramenko’s hand in the making of the first Ukrainian talking pictures. “Yara’s Traditional Arts: Folk Dancer Vasile AvramenkoWatch video

Bandurist: Zinoviy Shtokalko,” was an immigrant from Berezhany, and a virtuoso bandura player who brought the Ukrainian epic song tradition to New York in the 1950s and developed it in the 1960s. Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells his story, while Julian Kytasty, a master bandura player, shares recordings and plays work influenced by Shtokalko. Watch video

Poet Oleh Lysheha was born in Tysmenytsia near the Carpathian Mountains in 1949. He was expelled from Lviv University during a purge in the 1970s for his interest in American poetry and sent to do military duty in the Buryat Republic of Siberia. When he returned to Ukraine, Lysheha was banned from official Soviet literary activities. His first collection of poetry, “The Great Bridge” (1989), was like nothing else printed then. Yara started translating his work in 1990. “Poetry as Theatre: Oleh Lysheha’s 'Swan,'” includes a recording of the poet reading the poem in Ukrainian, video clips from Yara’s theatre shows, “Virtual Souls” (1997) and “Flight of the White Bird” (1999), which used sections of the poem and a discussion with the artists who participated in Yara’s “Swan” (2003). Watch video More on Yara's "Swan"

These Virtual Events are made possible by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, the Ukrainian Community Foundation and Philadelphia's Selfreliance Ukrainian FCU.


Oleh Lysheha's Swan (2003) watch 2020 virtual event | more on 2003 show 

Oleh Lysheha's Raven (2011) watch 2020 virtual event | more on 2011 show


Er Toshtuk, based on Kyrgyz epic watch 2020 virtual event | more on 2009 show


Koliada Winter Shows at LaMaMa watch 2020 virtual event | more on shows below

Yara's Forest Songs

Fire Water Night (2013)                 program | virtual event | more on 2013 show

Yara's Forest Song (1994)               program | virtual event | more on 1994 show

Yara's Forest Song (1993)               program | virtual event 

In addition to Yara's "Swan," (2003) based on a poem by Oleh Lysheha, Yara also created "Raven" (2011) also based on a Lyseha poem. Director Virlana Tkacz talks with participants and shows photos and video clips from performances at La MaMa, in Kyiv and Lviv. Bi-Lingual (Ukrainian & English) virtual event.

Yara created several theatre pieces based on Kyrgyz epics including: “Er Toshtuk” (2009). Director Virlana Tkacz talks with participants and shows video clips. Bi-lingual (Kyrgyz & English) virtual event.

Yara also created Koliada Winter Shows at La MaMa from 2008 to 2019, based on the Hutsul Koliada and an18th century Nativiry Puppet Play. The Koliadnyky from Kryvorvnia, who took part in the La MaMa shows, talk about them from their homes in the high Carpatian Mountains. More on: Still the River Flows (2008), WInter Sun (2010), Midwinter Night (2012), Winter Light (2014), and Winter Songs on Mars (2019)


2020      program | link

2021      program | link

2022      program | link 

Yara's Theatre Virtual Events are made possible by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts and friends of Yara Arts Group.

Zhadan & Friends
Tania Vovk
Ukrainian culture in America
Phila poster4.jpg

Culture in 

summer, 2020

Pawlo Humeniuk, folk fiddler 1920s

Vasile Avramenko, folks dancer 1930s

Zinoviy Shtokalko, bandurist 1950s

Oleh Lysheha, poet 1990s

links to video on names above

more: press release, programs etc




of Tales

September, 2020

sang his own versions of ancient tales about Kyiv. Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells the story, while Julian Kytasty,  a master bandura player, shares Shtokalko’s recordings. Special guest: Marko R. Stech from Toronto.

program & press release


Folk dancer:

Vasile Avramenko

August, 2020

This immigrant from Stebliv brought 

Ukrainian dance to New York in 1929.
Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells his story, and talks to archivist Mike Andrec about recordings used in his dance classes and Yuri Shevchuk about Avramenko's hand in the first Ukrainian talking pictures. program & press release




Epic Songs

October, 2020

ZInoviy Shtokalko, a virtuoso bandura player, brought the Ukrainian epic song tradition to New York in the 1950s & 60s Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells the story, while Julian Kytasty, a master bandura player, shares Shtokalko's recordings. 

Special guests: Andrij Hornjatkevyc from Edmonton and Dmytro Hubyak from Ukraine.  program & press release

Er Toshtuk poster4_02_.jpg

Epic Poetry as Theatre:



August, 2020

Yara Arts Group has created several theatre pieces based on Kyrgyz epics including: “Er Toshtuk” (2009). Director Virlana Tkacz talks with participants and shows video clips. Bi-lingual (Kyrgyz & English) virtual event.


Bandurist: Zinoviy Shtokalko

July, 2020

This immigrant from Berezhany brought the Ukrainian epic song tradition to New York in the 1950s and developed it in the1960’s. Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells his story, while Julian Kytasty,a master bandurist, shares Shtokalko's recordings and plays work influenced by him.

program & press release





September, 2020

ZInoviy Shtokalko, was a virtuoso bandura player in New York
in the 1950s & 60’s. Yara’s Virlana Tkacz tells the story, while
Julian Kytasty, a master bandura player, shares Shtokalko’s recordings.
Special guests: Dmytro Hubyak and his students from Ukraine.

program & press release



Oleh Lysheha "Raven"

October, 2020

Yara Arts Group has created several theatre pieces based on poetry by Oleh Lysheha, including: “Raven” (2011). Director Virlana Tkacz talks with participants and shows video clips.

Lysheha swan 3.jpg

Oleh Lysheha


June, 2020

Yara Arts Group has created several theatre pieces based on poetry by Oleh Lysheha, including: “Swan” (2003). Director Virlana Tkacz talks with participants and shows video clips.
program & press release


Yara Arts Group

306 E 11th St #3B

New York, NY 10003 USA

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